Maxim Mai Bern-Washington-Bonn
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If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
Albert Einstein

Presentation (in German) on basic principles and ideas behind nuclear fusion. Current status of research. Talk held in 2024 for students and other general audience members of the Rotaract Club Bonn. German version: [slides]. English & more technical version: [slides].

Antrittsvorlesung - official inauguration talk for the PD position at the University Bonn. Talk on Quantum Physics, Hadrons, Fundamental interactions of nature and three-body problem for general audience. In German. [slides].

Astronomy on the Mall. One day open air outreach event for general audience where various astronomical models are presented at the National Mall (Washington, DC). An empowering experience with many interested people from all age groups.
Picture with Jeremy Hare

Art/science fusion event at Riozome DC. Talk for general audience on Entropy. General ideas and principles. From thermodynamics to the measure of entropy/disorder. Maxwell demons and free heating? [slides]

"Physikshow" (Physics Show) of the University Bonn. Annual two-day event with demonstrations of physics experiments for general public.